Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Forgiveness? Part 2

I have enjoyed the conversations with you on forgiveness. I hope that it is helping you to form a theology of forgiveness.

I want to put forth a few more questions about forgiveness.

Is there ever a reason to hold back forgiveness?
What about these examples.

1. Your heart is not right. Do you need to wait until your heart is right to grant someone forgiveness? Lets say you significant other comes to you and says that they have committed adultery, but they are sorry and want you to forgive them. Do you grant them forgiveness, or do you wait until you get your heart right?

2. If the person seems to be insincere about their request for forgiveness? They keep repeating the same offense over and over, or they don't seem contrite enough.

What do you think?
Remember to support your answer with Bible verses.

Also, list some examples of people exercising forgiveness in the Bible. What model of forgiveness do they follow?

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