Odysseus is the man credited with the idea for the Trojan horse. We all know the story about how he used it to sneak a group of men into the city of Troy, allowing the Greeks to conquer the city.
In Acts 20:28-31 Paul warns the Ephesians elders to watch for savage wolves that will come from inside the church. The elders are tasked to guard and protect the flock.
I think the greatest danger to the church today is the trend of the leaders, tasked with protecting the flock, bringing the Trojan horse into the city.
Pragmatism, post-modernism, seeker sensitive, ecumenicalism or what ever current label it has. These thoughts and ideas are being brought into the church by the very men tasked with protecting her. At the root of all these strains of thought is the question “How do we relate to the culture?” Unfortunately, the answer all to often includes an immersion in the culture versus an immersion in the word.
I have included some links to some sites that do a good job of explaining some of the dangers.
Absolutely Not!: A critical look at the emerging church movement by Phil Johnson
A transcript of Phil Johnson's session at the 2006 Shepherd's Conference, Friday March 3, 2006. The blog this is posted at, Emergent No , gives some good critiques of the emerging movement.
Putting God in a Box? by James Spurgeon
Great post about the importance of historical theology.
"A Generous Orthodoxy"--Is It Orthodox? by Albert Mohler
A review of Brian McLaren's book, A Generous Orthodoxy.
Church Growth Gone Mad by Clay Miller
Subtitled, a sobering look at the church growth seeker-sensitive models.
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