When I first looked at 1 Thessalonians I was struck with the lessons on team building. In chapter 2 Paul talks about his motivation for ministry not being based on approval from man. Paul also talks about his method. I will probably come back to the method again, but for the past weekend I have been struck by 1 Thessalonians 2:9.
Over the past few weeks I have been able to understand what Paul experienced while he ministered in Thessolonica. Currently, the Lord has placed me in a situation where He supports my ministry financially through work outside the church. These past few weeks, I have literally been working day and night in both "tentmaking" and ministry. It has been tiring, both mentally and physically. There have been a few things that have helped me through that past few weeks.
My motivation. Only by focusing on the Lord am I able to deal with all the demands I face each day. Only my love for the flock and for the Lord keeps me enduring.
The other thing that helps me through is your support and ministry. Like Paul with Silas and Timothy, each one of you that ministers to the youth helps me. I know that I am not alone. Not only do I have God, but I have an entire team that has the same motivations, goals, and desires for the youth at OBC. Like Paul with the Thessalonians, I thank God for each and everyone of you that works alongside of me. I could not do this ministry alone. I am not equipped to do everything. You are my fellow day laborers. You handle any task that comes along. It is amazing to me that over that past few years we have ministered together, you have willingly taken all task without grumbling. Like Paul's team, each of you work day and night to help make this ministry a success.
I encourage all of you to think about those ministering alongside you. Pray for each other and encourage each other.
A special thanks to my wife and children who have had to put up with no husband or father for the past few weeks, love ya.
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