Paul is clear in 1 Thessalonians 3:12, that he hopes the church abounds and increases in love towards one another. Likewise, I hope we abound in love towards each other and towards our youth as we serve together.
I love each of you dearly and consider it a honor and pure joy to serve with each one of you.
McBride’s, I truly appreciate your love for the youth as you lead them and us as youth workers. Your commitment to the Lord is evident in how you minister to this youth group and the church as a whole. I love both of you and your children and appreciate your friendship greatly.
R. Closs, I can’t imagine this ministry without you. Your time and service to the youth group and its needs are tremendous. I love your dedication and faithfulness to the service of the Lord. You are a true servant.
M. Davis, Your heart for the youth and their spiritual growth sets an example for others. You have delicately balanced your family and your service, giving all to both. I love your care for our youth, particularly the junior high. Thank you
Rosner’s, You jumped right in (willing or not) and took on the youth as your own. You are a tremendous asset to this youth group. Even in the midst of preparing for your new child, you take on large responsibilities. Thank you for your service and your friendship. I love both of you and your new addition, Tommy (that’s gonna leave a mark).
L. Mingo, I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and love your willingness to jump in and get involved. Thank you for your service.
A. Cooper, You bring an unparalleled energy to the youth and the council. I love your enthusiasm for service and your commitment to the youth. Thank you!
J. Wohlrab, I love your commitment to ministry and your leadership in the praise band. Thank you!
Starkston’s, I praise God for your leadership and influence on this youth group. Your love of the Lord led this youth group to new places. I appreciate your friendship and compassion.
There are others who help with youth and contribute to the joy of this ministry. You are not omitted intentionally. Thank you for your time and love for these kids. It’s only the Lord Jesus Christ who works in us to love them.
Lastly (but certainly not least) Heather, almost eight years ago, you and I embarked in a partnership not knowing where it would lead. Praise God, it has led us to OBC and to this youth group. I love you. I love you for many reasons, your commitment to the Lord and His teaching, your compassion for others, your love for me, but most of all, your love and support of this ministry. I could not do what I am doing without you. You are my partner in ministry for life. Whether here or where ever the Lord takes us, I can count on your support and assistance as we minister together. I could not ask for a better wife.
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